The 4th Trimester
Giving birth is a beautifully intense physical and emotional experience that pushes a woman to places she never knew she could go. It's more intense than an ultramarathon.
Even the smoothest of births puts extreme stress on the body followed by the rapid change to your spine and soft tissues once the baby is suddenly no longer in your belly. Add all the new activities of mothering such as nursing, rocking, and changing and you have the recipe for 4th-trimester frustrations!
At Dr. Mama Bird, we are here to support you in this season of recovery. We know how hard you are working, AND we know you can't pour from an empty cup. Chiropractic care during your postpartum recovery can help you to integrate all of these new changes so that you can be the best new mom you can be.

Recover & Restore
​Benefits of Postpartum Care Include
Speeding overall and pelvic floor recovery
Healing Diastasis Recti
Helping to establish breastfeeding
Restoring spine and pelvic alignment and balance
Relieving aches and pains from nurturing
Aiding with of postpartum depression
Providing comfort for better sleep
I have worked with Dr. Alex for over a year. She got me through a rough pregnancy, came to my home hours after I gave birth to check my baby, she cared for me postpartum, and she cared for my kids like they were her own. She’s holistic in her approach, collaborative with other providers, and patient centered every step of the way. Thanks Dr. Alex!